Thursday, February 16, 2012

I'm Still, Still here. [But I've been around.]

In the last seven months I have slept in Trondheim, Oslo, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, London, Palolem, Hampi, Kopol, Agonda, Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Sarawak, Phuket, Koh Phi Phi, and Koh Lanta, just to name a few.

Of the eight countries I've visited, India and Thailand have produced the more colourful and interesting dreams, Hungary's produced the least amount -likely due to excessive drinking- but also the funniest, Malaysia and Czech Republic the most stressful, UK the most basic, and Norway and Austria the most, well, sexy {?}.

     Though I've been rather lax in internet-ing, I've been drawing and writing like a  mad woman. And perhaps eventually I'll get my hands on a scanner and get back into some regularity? Until then, this tiny, poor-quality iPhone picture of a painting I did a month ago will have to suffice.

Alas, I'm still here, again, and though I don't make much time for technology these days, I'm building up stockpiles of inspiration and having the time of my bloody life. X-e